Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Wednesday attacked the Yogi Adityanath dispensation over the killing of an Ayurvedic doctor in Sitapur, saying the security system for the common people is in a poor state and the Uttar Pradesh government is not doing anything except indulging in false propaganda.
"In Sitapur, UP, a doctor was hacked to death by criminals who stormed his clinic," she said.
"'Such incidents are creating fear in the minds of the people of the state. The security system for the common people is in such a poor state and the government is not doing anything except indulging in false propaganda," the Congress general secretary said in a tweet in Hindi.
Munendra Pratap Verma, an Ayurvedic doctor who ran his own private clinic from his home in Mudrasan village, was attacked by accused Achchey Lal Verma with a sharp-edged weapon multiple times on Tuesday, police said.
The doctor's father who was present at the time also suffered injuries while trying to save his son. The doctor died on the spot, they said.