Indian Railways has announced a special tourist train 'Shri Ramayana Express', covering all places from Ayodhya to Rameshwaram. The train will run from November 14 from Delhi on the Ramayana circuit to cover the major destinations related to the Hindu epic. All those keen on boarding this train must know that the trip will be operated by Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC), the bookings of which have already opened on IRCTC Tourism official website-
According to the Railway Ministry, IRCTC will run the 800-seater train from Delhi Safdarjung railway station. The train will complete its journey at Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, in 16 days.
"The train will cover all important destinations associated with the life of Lord Shri Ram in a 16-day all inclusive tour package," it said. This will be spread both in India as well as Sri Lanka.
Key things to know about Shri Ramayana Express:
1. The entire trip will be priced at Rs 15,120.
2. There are 800 seats up for grabs on the train.
3. The bookings for the trip will be done in standard category only.
4. The package will include travel, accommodation, food and sight-seeing arrangements also, tweeted Piyush Goyal.
5. Tour manager will be accompanying the passengers during the trip, tweeted Piyush Goyal.
6. The train will cover prominent sacred places associated with the life of Ram. The 'Sri Ramayana Express' train service will start from Safdarjung railway station in Delhi and make its first stop in Ayodhya. En-route, Sri Ramayana Express will halt at Nandigram, Sitamarhi, Janakpur, Varanasi, Prayag, Shringaverpur, Chitrakoot, Hampi, Nasik and Rameshwaram.
7. An add-on tour is also designed to visit the places of Ramayana located in Sri Lanka. According to Railway Minister Piyush Goyal passengers opting for the Sri Lanka leg can take a flight to Colombo from Chennai. However, the Sri Lanka leg of the tour will be charged separately.
Some of the destinations that the Shri Ramayana Express will cover are:
Ayodhya is where Lord Ram was born and where his 14-year journey in exile began after King Dashratha granted his youngest wife Kekayi her wish and banished Ram to the forest.
Ayodhya, adjacent to Faizabad city in Uttar Pradesh, now hosts thousands of devotees every year during the festival of Ram Navami. Two of the prominent temples are: Hanuman Garhi Ramkot and Kanak Bhawan temple.
This place is 15 km from Faizabad and is said to be the site where Ram's brother Bharat meditated for his return from exile.
The Shri Ramayana Express will halt at Sita's birthplace.
Varanasi is one of the most popular pilgrimage point for the Hindus. It is also the constituency of PM Narendra Modi.
Prayag is one of the ancient pilgrimage centers of India, and it represents the confluence of the rivers Yamuna and Ganga, near (in) the city of Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh.
Chitrakoot is a town in Madhya Pradesh. The town’s spiritual legacy stretches back to legendary ages: It was in these deep forests that Ram, Sita and his brother Lakshman spent a few months of their fourteen years of banishment.
Hampi, Karnataka
Hampi is an important religious centre, housing the Virupaksha Temple, an active Adi Shankara-linked monastery and various monuments belonging to the old city.
Rameshwaram, Tamil Nadu
It is said that Ram built a bridge from here across the sea to Lanka to rescue his wife Sita from her abductor Ravana. The Ramanathaswamy Temple, dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva, is at the centre of the town and is closely associated with Ram.
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