Over Rs 13 crore of revenue has been generated while 72,378 passengers availed the luxury bus service of the state owned undertaking since its launch in June this year in Punjab, an official statement said.
Stating this, Punjab Transport Minister Laljit Singh Bhullar said the Volvo bus service was started by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on June 15, it said.
Around 25 Volvo buses are plying daily from Amritsar, Pathankot, Ludhiana, Hoshiarpur, Kapurthala, Jalandhar, Patiala, Nawanshahr, Ropar, Moga and Chandigarh to the Indira Gandhi International airport in Delhi.
Bhullar informed that from June 15 till November 30, a total of 24,302 passengers travelled in Pepsu Road Transport Corporation Volvo buses while 48,076 passengers travelled in buses of the Punjab Roadways.
During this period, the government generated a revenue of Rs 13.89 crore on this route, the statement said.
Bhullar said, With the plying of these buses, passengers are getting a comfortable, luxurious and cheap travel to the IGIA.