The CBI on Saturday took custody of three people arrested by the Haryana Police in connection with the killing of Pradhuman, a seven-year-old student of Ryan International School, on September 8.
The CBI had sought custody of school bus conductor Ashok Kumar, regional head of the group Francis Thomas and HR head Jeyus Thomas from the court.
"On the request of the CBI in an ongoing investigation of a case related to the alleged murder of a student in a school at Gurugram, the competent court today remanded three accused in one-day police custody," a CBI spokesperson said.
The CBI on Friday took over the probe into the killing of the seven-year-old at the Gurugram school after receiving a notification from the Centre.
The case had been registered at the Bhondsi police station in Gurugram under the IPC section related to murder, and relevant sections of the Arms Act, the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act and the Juvenile Justice Act.
The CBI had sought custody of school bus conductor Ashok Kumar, regional head of the group Francis Thomas and HR head Jeyus Thomas from the court.
"On the request of the CBI in an ongoing investigation of a case related to the alleged murder of a student in a school at Gurugram, the competent court today remanded three accused in one-day police custody," a CBI spokesperson said.
The CBI on Friday took over the probe into the killing of the seven-year-old at the Gurugram school after receiving a notification from the Centre.
The case had been registered at the Bhondsi police station in Gurugram under the IPC section related to murder, and relevant sections of the Arms Act, the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act and the Juvenile Justice Act.