The Mysuru police have stepped up security following the bomb blast in Bengaluru on Sunday that resulted in the death of a woman, who was on visit to the city.
Security has been beefed at tourist spots and places like the railway station, bus stands, Chamundi Hills, palace and other places. Bomb detection squad and dog squad have been pressed into service. Checking and scanning of vehicles entering Mysuru have also been intensified.
Check posts have been set up for the purpose at roads leading to the city, the city sees a large flow of tourists for the year-end holiday season and the ongoing Tourism Festival, making vigil all the more important.
Similarly, security has also been tightened at Central government establishments, like the Central Food Technological Research Institute, Defence Food Research Laboratory, and Postal Training College.
Security has been beefed at tourist spots and places like the railway station, bus stands, Chamundi Hills, palace and other places. Bomb detection squad and dog squad have been pressed into service. Checking and scanning of vehicles entering Mysuru have also been intensified.
Check posts have been set up for the purpose at roads leading to the city, the city sees a large flow of tourists for the year-end holiday season and the ongoing Tourism Festival, making vigil all the more important.
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Police have been posted at major commercial places to keep watch. Vigilance is seen at Devaraj Urs Road, K R Circle and other places. Watch is also being kept at supermarkets and other busy commercial centres where people throng in large numbers to shop.
Similarly, security has also been tightened at Central government establishments, like the Central Food Technological Research Institute, Defence Food Research Laboratory, and Postal Training College.