Controversy has struck the Indian Premier League (IPL) once again. In a shocking development, the Delhi police have arrested three Rajasthan Royal players, S Sreesanth, Ajit Chandila and Ankeet Chavan, charging them with spot fixing during the ongoing T20 league.
The special cell of the Delhi police has also arrested seven bookies, who were under surveillance for over six months. A wider network of bookies is being probed.
This is not for the first time that IPL has come under the scanner for controversies and scandals.
"We have been informed that three of our players have been called in for investigation on spot fixing in matches. We are completely taken by surprise. We do not have the full facts at this point and are unable to confirm anything.”
"We are in touch with the BCCI on this matter. We will fully cooperate with the authorities to ensure a thorough investigation. The management at Rajasthan Royals has a zero-tolerance approach to anything that is against the spirit of the game," the statement said.
It is understood that BCCI has referred the matter to a disciplinary committee headed by Arun Jaitely.
The special cell of the Delhi police has also arrested seven bookies, who were under surveillance for over six months. A wider network of bookies is being probed.
This is not for the first time that IPL has come under the scanner for controversies and scandals.
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But the recent attack has taken the organisers and the team owners by surprise. Rajasthan Royals issued a statement saying that they are shocked by the development.
"We have been informed that three of our players have been called in for investigation on spot fixing in matches. We are completely taken by surprise. We do not have the full facts at this point and are unable to confirm anything.”
"We are in touch with the BCCI on this matter. We will fully cooperate with the authorities to ensure a thorough investigation. The management at Rajasthan Royals has a zero-tolerance approach to anything that is against the spirit of the game," the statement said.
It is understood that BCCI has referred the matter to a disciplinary committee headed by Arun Jaitely.