Telangana chief minister K Chandrashekar Rao has requested the Tata group to invest about Rs 30,000 crore to 40,000 crore for the integrated development of Hyderabad.
A team of officers from Tata group led by Anil Sardana, chief executive officer and managing director of Tata Power, Rahul Shah, Deepankar Tiwari and Madhu Kannan of Tata Sons and Tata Motors called on the chief minister on Friday.
The chief minister told Tata officials that Hyderabad needed funds to develop it as a world class city.
In response, Tata Power chief has offered to establish a 1000 MW thermal power plant in Telangana, which will be able to produce power in the next two years. Sardana also offered Tata's services in adding bio mass and solar power capacity in the state.