Tamil Nadu Governor K Rosaiah today condoled the death of former Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Janardhan Reddy and said that state has lost a "bold" and a "dynamic leader".
"He was an able administrator, an elderly statesman and a renowned Parliamentarian who had served for the cause of the development of poor and downtrodden", Rosaiah said in a Raj Bhavan release.
"Andhra Pradesh has lost a bold and dynamic leader who stood for his principles. His death is an irreparable loss to the nation and to Andhra Pradesh in particular", he said.
Reddy passed away in Hyderabad this morning following prolonged illness.
"He was an able administrator, an elderly statesman and a renowned Parliamentarian who had served for the cause of the development of poor and downtrodden", Rosaiah said in a Raj Bhavan release.
"Andhra Pradesh has lost a bold and dynamic leader who stood for his principles. His death is an irreparable loss to the nation and to Andhra Pradesh in particular", he said.
Reddy passed away in Hyderabad this morning following prolonged illness.