Heads of various departments of Tamil Nadu Government are hopeful that they will be able to restore all the services in a day or two as they believe rain has started slowing down. The officials have said that all 7,378 tanks major water reservoir is 100 per cent full of the 14,098. Officially it was reported that 245 people have died due to rain and flood.
PWD officials said that in Tamil Nadu there are 14,098 important tanks which comes under the Department, of which 7,378 are 100 per cent full, 1,360 (75-100 % capacity), 1,760 (50-75 % capacity) and the balance are between 25-50 per cent.
The three key reservoirs which supply to Chennai are overflowing.
Atulya Mishra, State relief officer said that the North east monsoon brings heavy rainfall to state. Around 40 per cent rains are received. This monsoon was volatile and unprecedented.
"We were on alert. But this monsoon was so historic. In month of November, Chennai city alone got 101," he said adding that Chennai, Tiruvallur, Kanchipuram were severely hit. Chennai has 130 per cent precipitation more.
"And we are still in mid of monsoon. We had to release water from our rivers and lake because they are running full. As per orders of CM as many 45,000 employees of state government working day and night during this period," said Mishra.
He added, there has been large number of police officers, coast guard. Around 300 boats were engaged by fisheries department pressed into action. Around 1,15,359 people were evacuated 3,50,000 rescued, 50,009 relied centres set up and 54,529 food packets distributed.
Saikumar, chairman and managing director, The Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited (TANGEDCO) said that power supply has been suspended purely as a temporarily measure. Water entered houses street. Since morning power was restored in north Chennai, certain pockets of west Chennai and south Chennai.
"Power in suburbs will be restored after checking. We are in the process of restoring in other areas. In Cuddalore, we have been able to restore power in a record time of one week. We are on the job. As and when water recedes we will give 100% power," said Saikumar.
J Radhakrishnan, Health secretary of Tamil Nadu Government said that in Chennai alone 200 camps have been done. "We have given 201 doctors from Government medical colleges, 23142 medical camps have been done overall. As per prevention of communicable disease is considered we are ensuring epidemic doesn't break out. There has been lot of skin relates issues so we are looking at that specifically. We are advocating double amount of chlorination. As far as drinking water we are ensuring water is chlorinated. Please clean your sump clean with bleaching powder and then use it. Medical oxygen has been streamlined. We have ensured there is no shortage".
T Prabhakar Rao, additional secretary, Transposition said that the today 65 per cent bus service was restored. On Thursday around 3,000 bus services were operated. Ultra deluxe buses ferried stranded passengers from Chennai airport to Bangalore airport.
PWD officials said that in Tamil Nadu there are 14,098 important tanks which comes under the Department, of which 7,378 are 100 per cent full, 1,360 (75-100 % capacity), 1,760 (50-75 % capacity) and the balance are between 25-50 per cent.
The three key reservoirs which supply to Chennai are overflowing.
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To address the telecommunications issues, the authorities have said telecom companies were asked to restore the connections and TANGEDCO was asked to give power supply immediately to the towers.
Atulya Mishra, State relief officer said that the North east monsoon brings heavy rainfall to state. Around 40 per cent rains are received. This monsoon was volatile and unprecedented.
"We were on alert. But this monsoon was so historic. In month of November, Chennai city alone got 101," he said adding that Chennai, Tiruvallur, Kanchipuram were severely hit. Chennai has 130 per cent precipitation more.
"And we are still in mid of monsoon. We had to release water from our rivers and lake because they are running full. As per orders of CM as many 45,000 employees of state government working day and night during this period," said Mishra.
He added, there has been large number of police officers, coast guard. Around 300 boats were engaged by fisheries department pressed into action. Around 1,15,359 people were evacuated 3,50,000 rescued, 50,009 relied centres set up and 54,529 food packets distributed.
Saikumar, chairman and managing director, The Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited (TANGEDCO) said that power supply has been suspended purely as a temporarily measure. Water entered houses street. Since morning power was restored in north Chennai, certain pockets of west Chennai and south Chennai.
"Power in suburbs will be restored after checking. We are in the process of restoring in other areas. In Cuddalore, we have been able to restore power in a record time of one week. We are on the job. As and when water recedes we will give 100% power," said Saikumar.
J Radhakrishnan, Health secretary of Tamil Nadu Government said that in Chennai alone 200 camps have been done. "We have given 201 doctors from Government medical colleges, 23142 medical camps have been done overall. As per prevention of communicable disease is considered we are ensuring epidemic doesn't break out. There has been lot of skin relates issues so we are looking at that specifically. We are advocating double amount of chlorination. As far as drinking water we are ensuring water is chlorinated. Please clean your sump clean with bleaching powder and then use it. Medical oxygen has been streamlined. We have ensured there is no shortage".
T Prabhakar Rao, additional secretary, Transposition said that the today 65 per cent bus service was restored. On Thursday around 3,000 bus services were operated. Ultra deluxe buses ferried stranded passengers from Chennai airport to Bangalore airport.