Acting on Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's decision to compulsorily retire non-performing employees completing 50 years of age, a letter has been sent to all departmental heads in the state police to provide a list of the same to the DGP headquarters at the earliest.
A government order to this effect was issued by Chief Secretary Rajendra Kumar Tiwari a few months ago and the DGP headquarters had sent a letter to all the HODs of the police department on October 21 to give a list of those identified for it.
A senior official said review of the performance of employees completing 50 years of age or above would be necessary before giving them compulsory retirement.
A letter in this regard from ADG establishment Sanjay Singhal has been sent to all departmental heads, zones and ranges, he said.
Referring to an earlier letter dated September 5, Singhal said directives were given for screening the performance of those completing 50 years of age as on March 31, 2020 or above, and providing the list to the DGP headquarters, the official added.