A 23-year-old woman IT professional from West Bengal was murdered by an unidentified person after an argument between them barely a few metres from her office at Pune, police said as details of the case emerged on Sunday.
As the killing sent shockwaves among IT employees, police formed multiple teams to nab the assailant and launched probe from various angles amid suspicion that the attacker had been following the victim, Antara Das.
Das was attacked by the man with a sharp-edged weapon near Kanbay Chowk in Talawade, on Friday night barely 500 metres from her workplace on the outskirts of the city, while she was walking down from the office.
As the killing sent shockwaves among IT employees, police formed multiple teams to nab the assailant and launched probe from various angles amid suspicion that the attacker had been following the victim, Antara Das.
Das was attacked by the man with a sharp-edged weapon near Kanbay Chowk in Talawade, on Friday night barely 500 metres from her workplace on the outskirts of the city, while she was walking down from the office.