Congress candidate Nandini Parvekar today filed her nomination papers for the June 2 by-election to Yavatmal Assembly constituency in east Maharashtra. The by-election was necessitated following the death of sitting Congress MLA Nilesh Parvekar, an active member of the Rahul Gandhi brigade, in a road accident in January. Nandini is the wife of the deceased legislator.
Interestingly, local Congress leader and brother of the late MLA, Yogesh Parvekar defied the party and filed his nomination papers for the constituency. Nandini, accompanied by senior Congress leaders, including Maharashtra Congress president Manikrao Thakre, Social Justice Minister Nitin Raut among others, filed her nomination papers at the office of the Returning Officer.
Interestingly, local Congress leader and brother of the late MLA, Yogesh Parvekar defied the party and filed his nomination papers for the constituency. Nandini, accompanied by senior Congress leaders, including Maharashtra Congress president Manikrao Thakre, Social Justice Minister Nitin Raut among others, filed her nomination papers at the office of the Returning Officer.