Private sector will be the engine of growth in employment in the organized sector in the next decade, according to a joint study on emploment conducted by Confideration of Indian Industries (CII) and Planning Commission. The study observed that there are nearly 30 sectors that have the potential to create a minimum of 4-8 million jobs, mainly in the private sector. At least a third of these will be high quality jobs in the organised sector provided the government puts in place policies and regulatory environment to facilitate public-private partnership for the development of infrastructure."The time is ripe for India to emerge as an economic power, and at least 100 Indian companies are poised to become transnational companies with a turnover of $10 billion each. Many existing units in banking, coal, insurance and large public sector enterprises continue to rationalise manpower to meet the competitive challenges. The projected employment increase will materialise in spite of the continued thrust on capital, technology and knowledge intensity in the Indian industry", R Seshasayee, president of CII, said.