The Maharashtra government said on Tuesday that the Akola-based veterinary surgeon, involved in culling operations in Jalgaon, had died of jaundice and not bird-flu as reported in a section of press. |
"There is no connection between the death of veterinary doctor Abdul Kalim Khan and bird flu. He was suffering from jaundice. He was advised complete bed rest. But he attended a marriage ceremony and his health deteriorated further," said Bijay Kumar, state animal husbandry department commissioner. |
"He was admitted to the hospital immediately in a critical condition. He was completely drained out due to exhaustion. Even after repeated attempts, the doctors could not revive him," said Kumar. |
He assured that there was no reason for anybody to believe that the deceased doctor died after getting infected with the H5N1 virus. |
"Since he was involved in the culling process, people are relating his death with bird flu. There is still no case of bird flu infection in human beings in the country," he said. |
According to the animal husbandry commissioner, even the three samples of the deceased sent to national institute of virology, Pune, have been declared negative. |