A large number of ancient monuments remain unidentified in Karnataka, where there is no coordinated strategic approach to heritage management, according to CAG.
The protection and conservation of heritage monuments in the State other than those under the control of Archaelogical Survey of India vest with the Commissioner of Archaeology, Museums and Heritage, Bangalore and Director of Archaeology and Museums, Mysore. “There was no coordinated strategic approach to heritage management, resulting in ad hoc approach to decision making, resource allocation and conservation practice”, CAG said in a report for the year ending March 31, 2011, tabled in the just-concluded legislature session. “The Commissioner / Director did not focus on identification and inventorisation of the heritage monuments and consequently, a large number of ancient monuments remained unidentified in the State”, it said. Land adjoining the monuments had not been declared as protected despite orders issued by the Government in March 1998. Only 31 out of 763 protected monuments had protective fencing. Watch and ward staff engaged for the monuments was also very meagre.