The 10-month old Akhilesh Yadav government in Uttar Pradesh on Monday claimed to have clocked investment of almost Rs 10,000 crore so far. The investments have come in various sectors, including dairy, rural industries, beverages, food processing, petrochemicals, steel and leather.
“The investment of Rs 10,000 crore is the actual investment on the ground; if we include various other projects either proposed or in the pipeline, the figure would be higher,” UP Infrastructure and Industrial Development Commissioner (IIDC) Anil Kumar Gupta said here.
UP is the partner state in the 19th edition of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Partnership Summit at Agra during 27-29 January 2013. The event is being jointly organised by the Union Commerce and Industry Ministry, with the theme ‘Global Partnerships for Enduring Growth’.
The state is gearing up to showcase its new industrial policy and the sops already announced with a view to securing more investment. Over 80 foreign business delegations had confirmed their participation at the Summit.
It would be an excellent opportunity to apprise the business leaders, investors and policy makers of the “enabling business environment” ushered in by the state government, Gupta added.
Meanwhile, CII UP State Council past chairman Kiron Chopra said business delegations from all over the world, including Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, Bhutan, Egypt, Japan, Mexico, Nepal, Netherlands, Pakistan, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Spain and US, would be participating.
Top Indian companies such as HCL, ABG, Jubilant Organosys, Jaypee, Reliance, L&T, Lanco are also likely to be represented.
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Yadav himself is scheduled to chair a session on ‘UP – The land of opportunities’ on January 28 and unveil several industry and investment-friendly policies as a package during this Summit.
Upcoming infrastructure and industrial projects like mega leather clusters, IT hubs, mega food parks, dairy projects, roads and expressways, international airports at Agra and Kushinagar, projects under Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) & Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC), international level cricket stadium and projects pertaining to tourism etc would be showcased.