As many as 213 railway projects are facing total cost overrun of Rs 1.6 lakh crore, as per the flash report of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) for September, 2017.
The MOSPI monitors central sector projects envisaging an expenditure of Rs 150 crore and above each on regular basis.
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The ministry monitored 353 projects of Indian Railways in September this year. The study said that as many as 36 railway projects reported time overrun or delay of 12 months to 261 months.
After railways, power sector reported second highest incidence of overall cost overrun. Out of the 124 projects monitored by the MOSPI in the power sector, 44 reported cost overrun of Rs 57,756.87 crore.
The total original cost of these 44 projects was Rs 1,05,404.62 crore which escalated to total anticipated cost of Rs 1,63,161.49 crore. The report stated that out of the 124 power sector projects, 61 reported time overrun (delay) of three months to 136 months.