Asserting that 7-8% growth was within the realm of possibility, prime minister Manmohan Singh today said the challenge before India was to combine the economics of growth with equity and social justice."We have no option but to walk on two legs. On one hand, pursuing policies that unleash the creativity and enterprise inherent in our people, that reward excellence and risk-taking; on the other, addressing the needs of every citizen, their right to a decent livelihood, to education and wellbeing, to equality of opportunity, and to peace and security", Singh said.Singh, who was delivering the closing remarks at the 51st meeting of the NDC, said it is very much in the realm of possibility for this country to become a prosperous nation and get rid of the "perennial scourges of poverty, ignorance and disease"."The world is today looking at India with great interest as the "saga of our development and rise to prominence on the international stage unfolds. Rare are such moments in history when a nation suddenly captures the imagination of the world", Singh told the chief ministers."The challenge before us is to combine the economics of growth with the economics of equity and social justice", he said, adding India was now at a point where it can deliver growth at a rate of 7-8%.