The Airports Authority of India (AAI) has again asked National Aviation Company, which runs Air India (AI), to clear its dues of over Rs 600 crore. The authority charges airlines for using airports maintained by them. Barring New Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bangalore, all others airports in the country are maintained by AAI.
“Yes, we have asked Air India to clear our dues, which is over Rs 600 crore,” said a senior AAI official.
The official added, “We were hopeful that AI would pay our dues after it receives equity infusion from the government.”
There were reports that Fraport AG, the management of Frankfurt airport, had demanded bank guarantees for continuation of services to AI.
As on March 31, 2009, Kingfisher Airlines owes Rs 181.43 crore, Go Air (Rs 8.18 crore), IndiGo (Rs 5.17 crore), Jet Airways (Rs 22.08 crore), Jet Lite (Rs 11.41 crore), Paramount Airways (Rs 12.22 crore) and SpiceJet (Rs 13.85 crore).
In case any airline fails to pay the dues to AAI, the authority levies interest for the overdue period on the defaulting airlines. The security deposit furnished in form of bank guarantee/fixed deposits is encashed wherever necessary. Security Deposit in respect of defaulting airlines is suitably increased based on their operations/dues. If necessary, airlines operations are put on cash and carry basis.