The board has made arrangement with several states such as Uttranchal, Himachal Pardesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Rajasthan, Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat for sourcing the power, said PSEB Chairman Y S Ratra in a release issued here.
PSEB has also tied up with power companies including Lanco, NVVN, PTC, JSW, Adani, TATA, Reliance for the supply of power till September this year, he said.
Favourable weather conditions have also led to comfortable power situation in the state, he said.
"There have been no power cuts for the last 15 to 20 days. Even the one day weekly off day for industry has been relaxed on day-to-day basis", he said.
The demand for power on till yesterday stood at 1050 lakh units, which is lesser by about 257 units than last year.
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Ratra said PSEB would meet the total anticipated requirement of 25,300 million units for the period from April to September 2008 against last year's requirement of 23,700 million units.