Five days after the deadline given by the Delhi High Court, the Supreme Court today said all its "sitting" judges are declaring their assets before the Chief Justice of India.
Earlier, the Supreme Court Registry had resisted sharing any information with RTI applicant Subhash Chandra Agrawal, who had sought to know how many judges were complying with the 1997-resolution of the Full Court of May 7, 1997 in which it had decided to declare judges' assets before the Chief Justice of India.
The Central Information Commission had turned down the stand taken by the Registry and directed that the information should be given to Agrawal, a decision which was challenged by the apex court at the Delhi High Court.
The High Court in its September 2 order upheld the decision of the Commission and asked the Supreme Court to provide the information within four weeks.
"You are hereby informed that all the sitting judges of Supreme Court had filed the declaration of assets as per the resolution dated May 7, 1997," the apex court informed Agrawal through a fax message today.
The message also said that the SC was filing an appeal against the single judge order of Delhi High Court.