Speaking on 'Milk production in West Bengal' at the Bengal National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Rahaman said V Kurien of Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) had been requested was not to market liquid milk in West Bengal as there was an existing federation. |
"The amended Milk and Milk Products Order (MMPO) of 1992 liberalised milk procurement allowed Amul to procure milk from any source, but it is grossly unethical as Amul is bringing in milk from Gujarat," Rahaman alleged. |
Amul should not have set up a liquid milk business as it is dumping excess supplied milk from Gujarat, he added. |
Rahaman said the quality of Amul's milk was inferior to milk sold by Metro and Mother Dairy. |
He accused Amul of "unethical" marketing strategies like providing discount coupons in newspapers as it upset other brands. "But Amul is no more a threat as sales are falling," he claimed. |
Rahaman alleged that the recent raid by a government team at the dairy processing Amul milk in West Bengal had revealed the unit was producing more than capacity. |
Rahaman said West Bengal had undertaking steps to increase milk production. |