The Andhra Pradesh government has sought a special financial package from the Centre to help farmers and other sections that suffered heavy losses due to natural calamities.
“The state suffered losses to the tune of Rs 12,500 crore due to cyclones and heavy rains in the last one year,” said information minister D K Aruna while briefing about the Cabinet decisions.
The government has asked a group of ministers to work out modalities for procuring paddy that suffered more than 50 per cent damage. Based on its recommendations, the government will decide on procurement of such paddy, she said, adding the state estimated the loss to agriculture to be be over Rs 1,207 crore.
The government will pay Rs 763 crore as input subsidy to the affected farmers. Of the Rs 400 crore aid announced by the Centre, Rs 300 crore will be in the form of grant and the balance advance, she said.