The Andhra Pradesh government has urged the Centre to continue the implementation of the Restructured-Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (R-RGGVY) programme in the 12th Five-Year Plan with a similar funding pattern of 90:10 cost sharing between the two governments, which was adopted during the 10h and 11th Plans.
After a review meeting with the APTransco and the discoms on Sunday, principal secretary (energy) Dinesh Kumar said the state government was envisaging taking up the R-RGGVY programme during the 12th Plan, aiming at providing quality, reliable and adequate power to the consumers in the rural areas.
Stating that the AP discoms had already electrified 26,56,600 below-the-poverty-line (BPL) rural households as against the target of 25,92,140, Kumar said even after the implementation of RGGVY in the state during the 10th and 11th Plans, there were about 2,500 un-electrified remote and interior tribal habitations and SC colonies that were yet to be electrified.