The Arunachal Pradesh government has, in-principle, agreed to ink an agreement with the National Hydroelectric Power Corporation for setting up 10,500 Mw of hydropower capacity with an investment of around Rs 52,500 crore. |
The decision on the memorandum of understanding was reached at a meeting held by the power ministry earlier this month. The MoU with the state government is expected to be signed by the end of this financial year. |
"Among the projects that will be developed by the power major are Tawang I and II (total capacity of 1500 Mw), Dibang (3000 Mw), Subansiri upper and middle (total capacity of 2600 Mw) among others," a company executive told Business Standard. |
The Dibang project will be developed through a joint venture with the state government in which NHPC will have a majority stake. |
However, the Subansiri upper and lower projects are under Supreme Court restrictions and may be developed by NHPC, subject to clearance from the apex court. |
In another development, NTPC Ltd and North Eastern Electric Power Corporation may also develop around 4,500 Mw and 1000 Mw of power respectively in the state. |
Only 2 per cent of the total hydro power potential of 58,971 Mw have been tapped in the north-eastern states. Of the region's total hydro power potential, Arunachal Pradesh alone has a potential of around 50,000 Mw. |
While the maximum potential of 50,000 Mw has been assessed in Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh has emerged as the top state for hydel power development, with 2,545.57 Mw being developed. |