The Delhi High Court yesterday told the Enforcement Directorate that it could arrest Bennet, Coleman and Company chairman Ashok Jain in connection with several Fera violation cases only after obtaining the consent of cardiologists at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS).
Disposing of the anticipatory bail application of Jain, Justice Jaspal Singh termed the alleged Fera violations by Jain amounting to over $1 million as serious but said the directorate could arrest him only after the cardiologists infer that Jain would be able to withstand the stress of investigation.
Justice Singh, after perusing the medical certificate of Jain signed by three top cardiologists of AIIMS, said in his order that in case the directorate considers custodial interrogation is necessary at any stage, in that event, they should approach the director of AIIMS to constitute a board of cardiologists.
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Further, he clarified that if the directorate in the meantime wanted to interrogate him, they could do so at the AIIMS under the supervision of a cardiologist.
Jain has undergone two coronary by-pass surgeries and is a chronic heart patient alive only on the medical treatments given to him, his counsel Arun Jaitley said.