The APDCL has filed a petition to the Assam Electricity Regulatory Commission (AERC) for steep increase in power tariff for the year 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16. The proposed increase in power tariff is around 41 per cent to 80 per cent and the increase in fixed charge is around 11per cent to 200 per cent. Over and above, the connection charge per month per connection has also been proposed to be imposed on the consumers. The industry of Assam has termed the proposed hike as "steep" and said it will "vehemently oppose" the hike.
"APDCL is by large trying to encash the cost of its inefficiency from the consumers of the state. Such large increase in power prices shall not only affect the personal disposable income of the common man but will also slash their savings. The cost of material produced by the industries small or large in the state of Assam shall increase due to direct increase in power prices and this will increase the prices of all manufactured products made in Assam in the market, leading to inflation," said RS Joshi, chairman of Federation of Industry and Commerce of North Eastern Region (FINER), the premier trade and industry body of North-East.
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Joshi said if the proposed hike is approved by AERC, even a shop or small office, having a commercial connection and paying Rs 1000 per month on power bills, will have to shell out at least Rs 1,600 per month, which would be an increase of 60 per cent. For a small industry connection in the urban area, which now amounts toRs 5,000 per month, will then be raised to Rs 9,000, which will be an increase of 80 per cent. If the proposed hike comes into effect, the average tariff would be Rs 7.87, Rs 7.84 and Rs 7.73 per unit for the years 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 respectively.
"This will negatively affect the domestic consumers, retailers, small entrepreneurs and all who uses electricity in the Assam," said Joshi. He added: "In Assam, cost of essentials commodities are already very high , people are facing problems in meeting the bare necessities of life like education, food, shelter and health care. This power tariff increase will further hurt the people who live on a fixed income. Such increases shall have a wide spread impact on every person, shop, commerce, agriculture, institution and industry of the state."