A prosecution witness in the 2G spectrum allocation scam case today told a Delhi court that Swan Telecom promoter Shahid Balwa, an accused in the case, was pursuing the licence and spectrum issue of the firm and co-accused Vinod Goenka had nothing to do with it.
Testifying as a witness, Vinod Kumar Budhiraja, Chief Regulatory Officer of Etisalat DB Telecom (P) Ltd, said Shahid Balwa was authorised in 2007 by the Board of Swan Telecom to deal with the authorities in connection with the Unified Access Services (UAS) Licences.
"It is correct that it was Shahid Balwa who was acting on behalf of the company in connection with application for UAS licences, pursuing the same and obtaining licence and spectrum and matter connected thereto. Vinod Goenka had nothing to do with this telecom business," he told Special CBI Judge O P Saini.