BJP today criticised the Left parties for portraying a false secular image and accused them of preventing minority community voters, including a rape victim, from casting their ballots during the forth phase of Lok Sabha polls on Thursday. "The CPI(M) stopped Muslims from casting their votes in Nandigram, where it is carrying out serious atrocities against the community," senior BJP leader Sahanawaz Hussain told reporters here.
Referring to media reports, he said, a woman from the community who was allegedly raped was also not allowed to cast her vote by the Communists. "All this has exposed the true face of the Communists and it is has lost all credibility to call itself secular," he said.
Sahanawaj said his party has raised the issue with the Election Commission and has made it clear that what happened (with the woman) was absolutely wrong. "It should be condemned across the country and the Left leadership should be answerable to the public for this," he said.