Uma Bharati will have to wait longer to return to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) fold. According to sources, the BJP brass is yet to take a call on the Bharatiya Janshakti Party founder-leader following strong opposition from a section of the party led by Madhya Pradesh chief minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan.
The party recently brought back suspended leaders Jaswant Singh and MK Anna Patil in the party. While Singh was expelled from the party following an uproar over his book on Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Patil was suspended for his alleged involvement in the cash-for-query scam.
BJP President Nitin Gadkari told Business Standard, “The party has not yet taken any decision on Uma Bharati’s return. The issue is still being discussed.” A party leader said the party’s decision may be possible after the elections to the Bihar assembly are over.