The Bombay High Court today ordered Maharashtra government to fill up seventy-one vacancies at Dr Bandorwalla Leprosy Hospital at Pune, and to sanction a grant of Rs 30 lakh to the hospital. |
The high court also directed that vacancies should be filled up within three months and possibly from among the former patients of the hospital. |
The decision came twenty years after an NGO wrote a letter in 1986 to then chief justice of India about deplorable condition of the hospital. |
The letter was converted into PIL, which was later transferred to the Bombay High Court. |
The High Court, in 2001, had sought a report on hospital's condition from the HC registrar. |
The report was submitted this month. Among other things, it highlighted lack of staff and also pointed out a provision under Leprosy Act, 1995 that if a private donor gives donation to hospital for leprosy patients, the government has to complement it by giving three times as much grant to the hospital. |
Pune-based Dagdusheth Halwai Trust had donated Rs 10 lakh to the hospital a few years back. |
Therefore the court ordered the government to fill up vacancies at the hospital as well as give a grant of Rs 30 lakh to it. |