Bush drops hints of relaxing H1B visa limitOur Regional Bureau / Mumbai March 03, 2006An inconspicuous banner outside the lane that led to the Indian School of Business (ISB) seems to have caught the eye of US President George Bush."Would you like to work in the US?" was what the banner asked. Well, Bush seems to have answered that question during his interaction with a select group of entrepreneurs at the ISB - an indication of relaxing H1B visa rules was given.At present, the cap on H1B visas is 65,000 for knowledge workers, and India Inc has been urging the US to relax the limit. Sashi Reddi, chief executive officer of AppLabs Technologies, said the issue of H1B visas did come up during the informal interaction, and there was an indication that the US was actively looking at relaxing the limit. Reddi was among the 16 people selected to meet Bush. Another significant issue that came up during the discussion was about setting up a US consulate in Hyderabad. According to an ISB spokesperson, the response was, "An agreement has been reached but it