Maharashtra state council chairman Naushad Forbes on Monday emphasised the need to improve the quality of life in Mumbai. |
"As home to the largest urban population in India, the civic infrastructure of Mumbai needs a massive overhaul. This becomes important since the city is slated to be the face of urban India to the world, and therefore needs to compete with other cities in the region like Singapore, Shanghai, Dubai and Hong Kong," he added. |
Complimenting recent state government initiatives such as construction of several flyovers to ease traffic congestion, cleaning of buildings along Marine Drive, removal of illegal slums and alternate housing plans for the displaced, revival of Worli-Bandra sea link, launch of direct flight services from Mumbai to Nashik, and development of Mumbai-Nashik-Pune triangle, Forbes said that these steps would go a long way in improving the quality of life of citizens of Mumbai, and further the cause of development of Maharashtra. |
"Mumbai needs a balanced and integrated development - be it roadways, railways, airports or sea-ports," said Forbes. |
Banmali Agrawala, vice-chairman of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Maharashtra council, said the removal of settlements which have hazardous value like being on the landing path of air planes was essential to Mumbai's development. |
Those displaced must also be satisfactorily rehabilitated, he added. |
"We are sure that the state government realises its responsibility to ensure adequate rehabilitation of slum dwellers affected in the process. The industry can also support these initiatives in any way that the government feels appropriate," Agrawala said. |