The stake sale was done to meet the minimum public holding norm of market regulator Sebi. Post divestment, the Centre’s holding in the company has come down to 90 per cent.
While the CCEA had in June approved 5 per cent stake sale in NLC through an Offer For Sale (OFS), the Empowered Group of Ministers on disinvestment later cleared selling only 3.56 per cent in the company after taking into account the proposal of Tamil Nadu government
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa had written to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in May, opposing disinvestment in the integrated mining-cum-power generating company. Later, she offered that the shares in the NLC disinvestment be allotted only to Tamil Nadu state PSUs. The Centre sold over 5.97 crore shares, or 3.56 per cent stake, in NLC through an Institutional Placement Programme (IPP) at a price band of Rs 58-60 a share.
The issue was lapped up by five Tamil Nadu state PSUs within an hour of trade.