Against the ceiling of Rs 1,000 crore, Rs 226.5 crore has been released as grant for the state for the year 2005-06, for irrigation schemes. |
The loan portion of the central assistance is to be raised by the state government. |
The irrigation component of Sardar Sarovar project has been receiving assitance under Accelerated Irrigation Benifits Programme (AIBP) since 1996-97 and Rs 4,302.75 crore has been provided as central loan grant. |
Out of this, Rs 226.5 crore has been provided during 2005-06 as grant. |
With the assistance provided so far, irrigation potential of Rs 320.651 thousand hectare has been created against the target potential creation of 1561.26 thousand hectare under AIBP, said prof. Saif-ud-din-Soz, Union minister of water resources. |
He further said irrigation being the stste's subject, the irrigation project are planned formulated, executed and funded by the state governmentout of their own resources and as per their priorities. |