In an effort to introduce its students to the culture of Hyderabad, the Indian School of Business (ISB) has taken up a unique host family network initiative called Aikya, involving the families of some of the major business houses in the city.
Aikya was formally launched by Bhuvaneswari, the wife of chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu. The core committee of Aikya includes Ramaa Ashok, Anuradha Prasad, Aparna Reddy, Suchitra Ella, Anjana Patodia, Niraj Gelli and V Suneel Naidu.
Through the Aikya network, the ISB students will get a chance to familiarise themselves with the Hyderabadi way of life and home-cooked food during festivals, holidays and weekends.
Addressing the inaugural function of Aikya at ISB campus, Vijay Mahajan, the dean of ISB, said: