Maharashtra Chief Minister Ashok Chavan has asked the state power ministry to reschedule time table of load-shedding to ensure minimum damage to Kharif crop this season.
Necessary steps would taken to see that the crop was not starved of water due to load-shedding in rural areas which are bearing the brunt of power shortage in the state, he said addressing a meeting of state ministers and government officials convened to discuss Kharif season prospects here last night.
Chavan said the power deficit in the state was in the region of around 5000 MW and load-shedding time table in every district should be revised to ensure supply of water to Kharif crop when it is needed.
He said the government was also taking steps to ensure adequate supply of seeds and fertilizers to farmers at reasonable prices and proper time for good yield.
Those who attended the meeting included state Agriculture minister Balasaheb Thorat, Water resources minster Ajit Pawar and Cooperation minister Harshawardhan Patil.