Chief minister K Rosaiah has agreed to the request of the Iffco Kisan Special Economic Zone (SEZ) for conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural land and waiver for payment of 10 per cent of the land cost for non-agricultural land. He has also agreed to waive panchayatraj cess and taxes according to the normal SEZ norms and incentives.
The Iffco Kisan SEZ is being set up in Nellore district.
According to an official release here on Friday, the chief minister will also to take up with the Centre for allocation of 1.5 mmscd gas for the proposed power plant in the SEZ.
Iffco Kisan SEZ is being established on the concept of Agroparks. It will cater primarily to the food processing industry and houses global manufacturing majors.
The project comprises development of infrastructure at a cost of Rs 660 crore and an investment of Rs 6,500 crore towards creation of production and processing facilities.
The projected value of the SEZ's annual output and exports when it is fully operational is Rs 4,500 crore and Rs 2,500 crore respectively.
The multi- product SEZ, notified on April 19, 2010, is expected to introduce better products, add value to the agricultural produce, and reduce post-harvest losses leading to empowerment of the rural people..