Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa today asked the Centre to give swift environmental clearance to two thermal power plants, saying it will help the state overcome a power crisis.
Yeddyurappa raised the demand before Prime Minister Manmohan Singh this morning when he along with state Power Minister Shobha Karandlaje met him.
He informed the Prime Minister that the state was awaiting environmental clearance from the Centre for Edlapura Thermal project and Godhna Super Critical Thermal project, which is a pit head plant in Chhattisgarh. “We are unable to proceed further on the two projects for want of environmental clearance. The Environment Ministry is insisting on the coal linkage which Coal Ministry has not given so far,” Yeddyurappa said. He also said no coal allocation has been received for two other projects — Yermarus Thermal Power Plant and Bellary Thermal Power Project.
Yeddyurappa told Singh that Karnataka has no fuel resources and this was the major reason why the state decided to set up a pit head power plant in Chhattisgarh.
The Chief Minister said that the Prime Minister has promised to consider the request positively.