CNG price in the national capital was today hiked by Rs 1.55 per kg to Rs 39.90 due to higher input cost. Indraprastha Gas Ltd said the selling price of compressed natural gas (CNG) in Delhi, Noida, Greater Noida and Ghaziabad is being raised with effect from Friday midnight due to increased input gas price and related taxes.
“The four per cent revision in CNG price would result in increase of Rs 1.55 a kg in the consumer price of CNG in Delhi and Rs 1.80 a kg in the consumer price of CNG in Noida, Greater Noida and Ghaziabad,” the company said in a statement . The new consumer price of Rs 39.90 per kg in Delhi and Rs 45.10 per kg in Noida, Greater Noida & Ghaziabad would be effective from midnight tonight.