"The Coal Ministry is of a view that due to coal shortages it would not to provide linkages to those power plants--having aggregate capacity of 16,000 MW--which are at the advanced stages of commissioning," a source close to the development said.
Following a direction from the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA), the Coal Ministry had set up an inter-ministerial panel to look into coal linkages of 16,000 MW power plants.
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The IMC, chaired by Coal Secretary S K Srivastava, has members from ministries including Power, Steel, Railways and Law.
A total of 143 fuel supply pacts are to be signed by Coal India (CIL) till 2014-15 in respect of identified power projects of 60,000 MW capacity, which have been assured for coal supply during 12th Five Year Plan period (2012-17), according to an official document.
Of these, 92 FSAs were to be signed by March-end. So far, 56 power companies have entered into fuel supply agreement (FSA) with CIL, which accounts for over 80% of the domestic coal production.
The 16,000 MW capacity power plants are in addition to the 60,000 MW identified power projects.
CIL board has approved the modified FSA with 65% domestic coal and 15% imported coal.