The special court, set up to try Satyam Computer Services cases, on Friday dismissed the petition of Srinivas Vadlamani, former chief financial officer of Satyam, seeking treatment at a private eye hospital.
The judge decided this on the basis of a report submitted by the Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital superintendent, in which he said the eye condition of Srinivas was normal. The superintendent also said that Srinivas was suffering from twitching in the eye.
Srinivas was presented at the hospital on May 22. The superintendent said he could consult a neuro-physician for twitching. The judge, however, said he could approach the court again for treatment if the condition persisted.
Meanwhile, the court posted the petition filed by another accused G Ramakrishna for allowing the use of computer to build his defence to June 7. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) opposed the use of computers as access to internet to the accused was not needed.
The judge also directed the government examiner of the documents in question to supply CDs and DVDs of various documents in the Satyam case where it gave an opinion to CBI which in turn would provide hard copies to the accused.
Meanwhile, the court sought a fresh status report on Satyam founder B Ramalinga Raju’s health from NIMS by June 7. The last report was submitted on April 17. Also the petition of CBI requesting video conferencing was posted to June 7.