The ongoing stand-off between China and its major importers presents an opportunity for India to improve its standing in the world textile market, according to an industry chamber."The present curbs on China's textile exports to European Union and United States gives India an opportunity to gain in the ongoing scuffle," PHDCCI said in a release here.It, however, said for making the most of the situation the domestic obstacles should be brought down and technology upgraded.PHDCCI said other crucial factors for India to stay competitive is the cost of raw material, energy, dyes, wages and chemicals.The chamber said the bulk of India's textile exports are from lower priced segment where labour intensity is high."It is important to improve the efficiency and productivity to increase the cost competitiveness of these segments. This is a prerequisite for India to compete in this segment where competitiveness is driven by costs," it added.PHDCCI also said other factors that need to be addressed in the textile sector include high power tariffs, inflexible labour laws, poor infrastructure and fragmented supply chain.