There is trouble brewing for Delhi Chief Minister Shiela Dikshit and all eyes are now on who would be the Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee chief, Dikshit's nominee Narendra Nath or someone supported by senior AICC office-bearer's Ambika Soni and Ahmad Patel. |
While Dikshit won round one by ensuring that her nominees got Lok Sabha tickets in Delhi, Soni and Patel were successful in keeping Dikshit and her loyalists out of the Congress Working Committee (CWC). |
Not just that, Dikshit's arch rival in Delhi, Prem Singh was also the party's choice as Speaker to the Delhi Assembly. |
"This despite the fact that Dikshit had made it plain that she would prefer former education minister Narendra Nath as Speaker," said a Delhi Congress office bearer. |
Round three in this battle is the election of the DPCC chief. Again, sources say, Dikshit is pushing for Narendra Nath, while also gunning for the post are old rivals Subhash Chopra and J P Agarwal. |
Of the two Agarwal's case is being considered strongly. He had, during the Lok Sabha elections been lobbying for the Chandni Chowk seat but was sidelined by Dikshit in preference to Kapil Sibal. |
"What was actually surprising was the fact that Dikshit, who was tipped to meet Sonia Gandhi after the latter returned from Bangkok to discuss the election of the Speaker to the Delhi Assembly was just informed about Prem Singh's nomination, no discussion was allowed," said a source. |
What is strengthening Agarwal's case is the reason being attributed to Dikshit's support to Nath. "Dikshit's rivals are saying she wants her son, Sandeep Dikshit to be made the chairman of TYDB. A post occupied at present by Nath," said a senior leader. |
The corpus fund at the disposal of the TYDB is around Rs 80 crore, as East Delhi MP, Sandeep Dikshit can really do a lot with it, added the source. |
Dikshit supporters are however hoping that the sudden reversal in her political fortunes is temporary. |
"All she needs is to meet Sonia Gandhi on a one to one basis for this to blow over, after all she has been the party's mascot in its darkest days," said a Dikshit supporter. |