Helped by robust economic growth, the government collected Rs 3,17,501 crore from direct taxes during April-January 2010-11, up 20.37% from the year-ago perod.
Corporate income tax at Rs 2,16,872 crore was up by 24.78%, while personal income tax grew by 11.87% to Rs 1,00,191 crore during this ten-month period.
According to the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), direct tax collections were "buoyant".
Tax refunds also increased by 38.65% at Rs 53,688 crore.
The Indian economy is projected to grow by 8.6% in this financial year.
Agriculture and allied activities are expected to grow at 5.4% in 2010-11 compared to just 0.4% in the previous financial year.
While services such as trade, hotel, transport and communications improved to 11% from 9.7%, the manufacturing would grow at 8.8% year on year.