Direct tax collections grew over 40 per cent to Rs 1,11,055 crore for the six-month period ended September 2007 from Rs 79,208 crore during the same period last fiscal.Corporate tax recorded a growth of 41 per cent at Rs 72,240 crore, up from Rs 49,813 crore in the same period of 2006-07. Personal income tax (including Fringe Benefit Tax, Securities Transaction Tax and Banking Cash Transaction Tax) grew by 39 per cent to Rs 40,744 crore from Rs 29,329 crore in the year ago period.The growth in Securities Transaction Tax was 48 per cent and Banking Cash Transaction Tax was 17 per cent. Fringe Benefit Tax recorded a growth of 103 per cent.In terms of payment types, advance tax increased by 30 per cent and tax deducted at source (TDS) by 48 per cent indicating all-round buoyancy in taxes. Self-assessment tax grew by 80 per cent, indicating better tax compliance levels.Among regions, corporate tax growth was the highest in Bihar-Jharkhand at 265 per cent, while it was lowest in Vidarbha at minus 34 per cent.Personal income tax growth was the highest in Vidarbha at 83 per cent, while it was lowest in the northeastern region at minus 17 per cent. Mumbai region recorded a growth of 96 per cent in corporate taxes and 40 per cent in personal income tax. Delhi region recorded a growth of 8 per cent in corporate taxes and 29 per cent in personal income tax.