The series will be aired on the channel every Sunday beginning October 5 at 12.00 noon. It is divided into four distinct parts - fictional heroes, boss women, future living and entertainment.
Announcing this at a press conference here, Pankaj Saxena, the director (programming) of the channel said that the series reflects the fact that every once in a while comes an idea that so profoundly impacts the lives of people that it is said to define an era.
It cost $70,000 to produce the 13 hour long programme. The entire programme is encapsulated into a CD and will be released into the market after a while.
If one is eager to know how comic heroes like Spiderman and Batman were born, or discover the real world of Harry Potter character which has been created by J K Rowling and narrated by herself, the programme is a must-watch.
Idea Cellular chief operating officer (AP & MP) S K Subramanian said,