DLF Ltd garnered Rs 560 crore on the first day of the pre-launch of Belaire, the company's latest apartment project in Gurgaon. The Rs 900-crore project, consisting of 360 flats, has already witnessed 50 per cent booking of the total inventory, a source said. |
The source added that DLF had made these bookings in the first two hours of the launch. |
Buyers made a downpayment of 10 per cent of the total cost of the apartments. Apartments of 2,800 square feet and 2,950 square feet were booked for approximately Rs 7,000 per square feet, a Delhi-based broker said. |
He added that premium flats of 4,000 square feet and corner flats of 3,325 square feet were both sold for approximately the same price of Rs 7,250 per square feet. |