It is doing so through its Rs 300 crore low interest loans and Rs 1,000 crore through public-private funding mechanism. |
For executing this, DST is laying out a fresh strategy to target first generation entrepreneurs through schemes like Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council, NMITLI, Drug Development Board, Integrated Long Term Programme with Russia, Science and Engineering Research Council, Technology Development Board and National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board. |
Speaking at the Bangalore Bio '05, H Purushotham, advisor, Technology Development Board said about 75 per cent of the first-generation entrepreneurs have proved successful. |
These technopreneurs have become a major segment with 60 per cent of the beneficiaries. |
"Only 30 per cent of the failures are due to technological gaps; 30 per cent are due to management failures and 40 per cent are due to marketing reasons," he added. |