The Enforcement Directorate (ED) yesterday questioned at length Vikram Singh, an aide of Chandraswami in connection with alleged foreign donations received by the controversial godmans Vishwa Dharmayatan Trust. Singhs intense questioning session, which started around 3 pm, was continuing till late evening, ED sources said without elaborating on the nature of the interrogation.
The directorate is investigating a number of alleged Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (Fera) violation cases by Chandraswami and his aide K N Aggarwal, alias Mamaji, and has finalised four Fera cases against the duo imposing a penalty of Rs 20.5 lakh so far.
The alleged Fera violations ranged from illegal acquisition of foreign exchange abroad, non-repatriation of funds acquired in foreign countries and payments made as court fee and solicitors fee in London relating to some court cases.
Both Chandraswami and Mamaji are on bail in all the four ED cases.